Sunday 31 October 2010

Shutting down

I think I actually need to shut this down for a while again.

Seems like things just get a ton more drama filled if you start writing about them, it's become less of a help for dealing with it and more of a magnet...

Thank to those who did read and watch...



SGL Café.com said...

hope everything is okay....

Oura said...

yeah things are much better now (again) but I think this is gonna stay closed until I actually figure out an angle for the blog to take/focus on.

still thinking I might use it to help with my studies now that I'm officially a home student, but that's kind of a drastic change of subject to make it solely language n study based from what it is now so that might need to be a separate blog instead of new feature.

who knows, I haven't given it too much attention since the drama episode but will update next year I think